Saturday, April 8, 2017

Case Report: A Non-Surgical, Non-Pharmacologic, Mind-Body Intervention for Ovarian Tumor

Case Report: A Non-Surgical, Non-Pharmacologic, Mind-Body Intervention for Ovarian Tumor

A 60-year old female patient designed an experimental protocol of distant prayer,
Reiki, and guided imagery to successfully treat an ovarian tumor measuring 2.5
  On  October  8,  2008,  multiplanar  imaging  using  T1-T2  weighted
technique/MRI of patient’s lumbar spine reported “a suspected cyst within the
right ovary measuring 2.5 centimeters” [1].
 The patient is a psychologist who is also a Reiki master. Her decision
to experiment with prayer, Reiki and guided imagery was due to the size of the
tumor which was smaller than the 3 cm. required for surgical intervention.
 The patient’s home office was the setting for the experiment.
: Due to a medical crisis in the patient’s family, she was delayed
in  scheduling  an  office  visit  with  an  obstetrician/gynecologist  to  follow  up  the
findings in the MRI report of 10/8/08. On 10/10/08, she sent an email request
to five Reiki masters to request distant Reiki be transmitted to the “suspected
cyst.” The Reiki masters emailed their students, asking that they transmit Reiki
to the patient’s right ovary.
Read the complete text and download pdf of the Case Report here:

**I accessed this article in the DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS.**

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