Friday, March 4, 2016

9 Steps To Clear Out The Negative And Change Your Life!

It is amazing that we can carry around negative energy and be positive part of the time while doing so. Even though we think we are being positive,  we are not as positive as we could be - if we could just rid ourselves of more of the negative energy. Continue reading to find out how to do that.

First,  let's take 3 deep cleansing breaths.
1 -- In through the nose, counting to 5, then out through the mouth, counting to 5 again.
2 -- In through the nose, counting to 5, then out through the mouth, counting to 5 again.
3 -- In through the nose, counting to 5, then out through the mouth, counting to 5 again.

Second, let's call upon the Universal Life Force Energy, Reiki, to guide us through a brief meditation process.
4 - Relax your shoulders and sit comfortably.
5 - Follow your breath as it comes in through your nose and fills your lungs, then as it leaves your lungs going out through your mouth. Continue to follow your breath, in and out, for 5 - 10 minutes.
6 - Imagine the positive energy entering your body as you breathe in. Imagine the negative energy leaving your body as you breathe out.

Lastly, let's express our gratitude to the Universe.
7 - Thank you for these cleansing breaths.
8 - Thank you for guiding me to release the negative energy I carried.
9 - Thank you for guiding me to receive the positive energy I needed.

We can create a new attitude by creating new patterns in our life with small daily action steps!

Reiki Master Nan

(photo credit: Pixabay)

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